Holland Ponds
In 2001, the State of Michigan deeded the 200-acre parcel
now known as Holland Ponds to Shelby Township. Once part
of the State’s Rochester-Utica Recreation Area, the area was
named in honor of Don Holland, former Township Assessor
and Chairman of the Building Authority who was instrumental
in the planning of Shelby Township’s properties, specifically
its park system.
Part of a clean-up project by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources,
this area which is adjacent to thre former G & H Landfill and backs up to
Yates Cider Mill, was once considered lost because of toxic waste. Due to
the clean-up efforts it has made a tremendous come-back, and is now home
to a number of thriving animals, fish, and plant-life. Visitors regularly see
proof of its success in the variety of flourishing wildlife such as Blue Heron,
Green heron, Great Blue Heron, Little Green Heron & Great Egret that
choose Holland Ponds to make their nests.
Located on the west side of Ryan Road, just north of
22 Mile Road, Holland Ponds features a number of
connected ponds and nature paths as well as a
picnic shelter and an overlook for for the heron
nesting area.